Travel Deeper

Nomination for Liebster award
I was blown away by Vagabond Journals nominating me for the Liebster Award. What a surprise! Always great to have someone notice your blog, but to be nominated as well – that’s a first for me.
Travel Deeper into these blogs:
It is often a challenge for first time safari goers to know what to do and what types of clothes to wear. Is it necessary to pack anything else?
What does travel, adventure and safari have in common? They are all out of the ordinary activities from work or routine. Although not essential qualities, all of these can be unusual and exciting or daring.
Our guide led the way towards the ancient path beyond stone relics and up steep steps through narrow passages. We reached a complex on the top of the hill, a section of Great Zimbabwe.
We were entering one of the first national parks declared in Zimbabwe that was situated at altitudes of between 1800 and 2593 metres, the highest terrain of Zimbabwe. We’d heard that the Eastern Highlands are one of Zimbabwe’s most picturesque areas.
We travelled through much of Zimbabwe almost on a circular route in 2010. It is one of Southern Africa’s most impressive but controversial countries and our trip gave us a fleeting glance of how beautiful and interesting it is.
Remote, rugged and untamed, Mana Pools is not the easiest safari destination to get to in Zimbabwe. Perhaps that is why it is the ultimate location for adventure addicts that love off the beaten track places.
The ferry that would take us to the town of Kariba was a bit late, but then what’s new? Has a ferry ever left on time in Africa?
The golden hour in Africa. Shadows lengthened over the parched savanna landscape at Nyamandhlovu Pan. The last hour of daylight, before the sun sets over Hwange, wildlife come to quench their thirst.
In the midst of Matobo Hills lies Matobo National Park, our first overnight stop in Zimbabwe. A natural splendour.
The tingle of anticipation of an overland adventure through Africa captivates so many explorers, even if it is only a brief visit to one’s neighbouring country, especially if you have heard much about it. Plotting a map and choosing a route and itinerary is part of the fun but planning and executing a trip to Zimbabwe is not the easiest.
Definition of a safari: - an expedition to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat, especially in East Africa. A special moment to see wildlife in their natural habitat. What if this safari highlight turns into a life-threatening disaster?
Budgeting for travel is always a challenge. Transport and accommodation are what drains even the best financial planning.
Camping is a budget friendly way to travel from an accommodation point of view. Many adventures have been had in a tent. But owning a caravan, motorhome, RV or even a camping trailer allows you more luxury.
Food is an integral part of living. This also holds true when we travel. Eating at restaurants is a treat but can stretch the budget, especially if you are on the road or away for lengthy periods.
Camping is a great outdoor activity for the whole family, a couple or even a solo escape. It is also budget friendly especially whilst on a road trip. But what do you need to pack for your first camping trip?
We all love to travel, at least most of us do. I am the first to admit that in some way I have made a negative impact on a place that I have been to.
What is better than camping at the best bush camp in the Waterberg? House sitting adventures at that same campsite.
Everyone loves an adventure and Africa is an ideal place to get your adrenalin pumping.
Why would you need a packing list? Many people love to wing it by jumping in a vehicle and driving off to some unknown destination. Sometimes I do too!
Allow me a little indulgence. A fantasy if you will. I would like to start off with a wish list for 2021. That is travel and trends prediction.
As exciting as travel is, when you are the proud ‘parent’ of a furry child, it is difficult to leave them behind.
We were no strangers to Mozambique, as the Moz bug had bitten us well and truly. We have had numerous adventures and even some hairy moments.
Five kilometres after the Lebombo border control into Mozambique we reached our overnight accommodation. Dusk had quickly turned into darkness. The gate was closed, there was no sign of life and there were no visible lights shining. We thought we had arrived at the wrong place, but the sign confirmed we were at the right place.
I have come to the realisation that I find animal butts quite interesting. Think I am a bit weird? Don’t answer that!
The Best Way to see a country? Take a road trip! Have you ever had that feeling when you hit the open road on your road trip? Freedom. Anticipation. Exhilaration.