Liebster Award 2018 Nominee

Roaming Fox

I was blown away by Vagabond Journals nominating me for the Liebster Award. What a surprise! Always great to have someone notice your blog, but to be nominated as well – that’s a first for me. Thanks so much Vagabond Journals. Really appreciate this great honour and thrilled to be part of such a caring community. Well done and good luck for your nomination too.


You may well ask: What is the Liebster Award?


The Liebster Award 2018 is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.


Liebster Award 2018 Rules

Once nominated, there are a few rules you need to follow to be considered for the Liebster Award 2018. Once you’ve accepted the nomination, post a Liebster Award blog on your website with the following information:


  • Thank the blogger that nominated you. Link back to their blog.

  • Display the Liebster Award 2018 logo on your website.

  • List the Liebster Awards 2018 rules in your post.

  • Pay it forward: A nominee must in turn nominate a further 5 – 10 new bloggers that they think have great content that you enjoy, admire or inspires you. Then leave a comment on their site or social media page that they have been nominated.

  • Answer a set of questions given to you by the person who nominated you and provide a set of questions for the people of the blogs you have nominated. The most unique and creative questions win.

  • Link the original Liebster Award 2018 post of the Global Aussie in your blog post, available here.

  • Comment on the original Liebster Award 2018 blog post with the link to your own Liebster blog post.

 The Official Rules of the Liebster Award 2018


What makes me passionate about blog posting?

I’m your average person who loves to travel. A few years ago I realised after reading other blogs that I have a few stories of my own to tell. Some of them are adventurous and some are just pure enjoyment. I love reliving the journeys I’ve been on and sharing them with others. I hope to immerse my readers in my fables and motivate them to take the plunge and see other parts of the world.



 My answers to questions for nominees:


1.    What was your motivation for starting a blog? What is the message you want to share with the world?

A: I love reading other travel blogs and after one of our trips I knew I had some stories of my own to tell. I want to share the delight, the thrills, the anticipation and bring across some of the amusement we had on our trips. And if I can raise a laugh out of them, then I’m delighted. Travel deeply.


 2.   What song, quote or daily affirmation gets you in the mood to work and be awesome?

A: There has to be balance in life. Laugh every day, a lot. Never forget yesterday, but live for today, for tomorrow may never come and if it does, you’ll take care of it then.


3.    What is the best lesson you’ve learned recently?

A: When you’re a blogger or writer you must have a thick skin and don’t take everything to heart that people say about your blogs or writing.


4.    What do you think is the key to success in your respective field/niche in a world where we are overloaded by information on a daily basis?

A: Perseverence, consistency and try to be unique.


 5.   What would be the ultimate achievement for your blog and business?

A: I have set myself a few goals and am hoping to achieve them. One of them is completing a few books on traveling and another is completing my novel, then be able to sell them to my readers.


6.    With the state of the world and the environment at the moment, which one thing do you think we can do to make it better?

A: Every action has a reaction. Think before you do, because once you’ve set the ball rolling, you may never change its course.


7.    What is your favourite travel memory and why?

A: It has to be our first trip as a family to Madagascar, spending two weeks on a catamaran, sailing, diving, fishing and relaxing, while exploring a small part of this exotic but adventurous destination.


8.    When was the last time you were truly happy and content? Explain briefly.

A: I consider myself happy and content most days, because I have been very fortunate in life. If I can wake up with a smile on my face every day, then I’m content. I’m truly happy when I’m with my family, as that doesn’t happen very often.


9.    You have the opportunity to invent and create a brand new, unique and perfect (in your eyes) dessert. What would you put in it and what would you call it?

A: Can I create a fantasy dessert? A layer of butterscotch biscuit base with a hint of earthy tones. In the middle a tropical flavoured jelly with sea breeze undertones, the next layer a light almond flavoured blancmange topped with fluffy chocolate mousse. The title: Nature’s Escape.


10.    Choose one: mountains, sea, desert or forest?

A: Love them all, but I think it has to be sea.



My nominations:

Because I love travel so much, I’ve decided to nominate other travel bloggers to become more than just a wee drop in this huge blogging ocean. I’m filled with delight reading their blogs, admire them for the adventures they go on, or juggling between full time work, traveling and blogging.


Story at Every Corner - With Nirmal and Jyoti, you’ll certainly find inspiration by reading about their adventures in numerous parts of the world


One Stop Wanderlust - Julie is a mom blogging and focusing on destinations and activities for families. She has a huge passion for exploring.


Cultura Obscura - Jeremy & Dagney – love the name of their blog and the concept behind it. Dagney embraces life full on and Jeremey is not far behind, hot at her heels.


Cheryl King - Cheryl has decided to fill her empty next with her passion for the outdoors. Take a look at her photos, while she entertains you with interesting blogs.



My questions for nominees: 


1.       If you could step back in time, who would you like to be, and which part of the world would you like to have seen in that era?

2.       Who would you like to take on a trip with you? (it can be someone you know or a stranger e.g. another adventurer or traveller)

3.       What is the one item you absolutely must have when you are traveling?

4.       Are you a ‘Been there, done that’ traveller or do you return to a destination?

5.       What is your biggest fear when taking a journey?

6.       Adrenalin junkie or lazy sue?

7.       Is there one trip you took that you regret?

8.       If you could invent a travel machine, what would it be and what would it have inside?

9.       Most people miss their family when they travel. What DON’T you miss when traveling?

10.   Camping, glamping or luxury?

11.   Camera or mobile phone for photographs?



Congrats to all the Liebster Awards 2018 nominees. I look forward discovering new blogs and being inspired by the people that write them.



Jeremy Paterson:

Thank you most kindly indeed for nominating us for this exciting award! We've had great fun answering these questions :D I love your dessert answer - butterscotch is one of my favourite things!

Roaming Fox:

You’re welcome & glad you had fun. As you could see, it was difficult for me to decide on one favourite taste for my dessert!


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